Sunday 5 October 2008

Seeing Double, Finally

The last time these two appeared, they were a bit on the shiny side. They've undergone their final treatment now, however, and are complete. And since they make such a nice pair, I can't resist sharing.

The straight wing F6F was a regular build, and being Hasegawa, was a joy. The second one was more challenging; have you ever done a wing-fold on a Hellcat? The complex shape of the fold rules out use of the razor saw to achieve a neat cut. Instead, it requires a series of painstaking cuts into the well-defined panel lines. This must be done with extreme care in order to realise the precise shape peculiar to this aircraft.

Since no after market parts appear to be available, I used a set of Monogram Skyraider wing-fold inserts. This worked remarkably well with little modification.

To support the weight of the wing, I was obliged to drill and pin the stubs, again with great care to make sure the angles were correct.

I'm not sure I'd take on the same subject again, but it was great experience. What do you think?

1 comment:

Goose said...

Awsome Hellcat. I have this kit too but I'm not going to attempt it until i get an airbrush and learn how to use it.