Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The list is long and distinguished....

Do you know what I like about this list?  They're all certain going to be completed.  No loft insulation here.  These are up and coming kits on the bench and what a mixed bag they are.

The F-111 as you can see is well on the way.  But so is the Merlin, it's just coming up for paint.  Next is the new Focke Wulf Ta 152 C1/R14.  Plus a Lightning F-2A.  Then it's all there to be seen.  A full and busy bench, the way I like it.  More, of course, soon.


the unrealistic artist said...

Hi Philip,

I found your blog through ebay. Just wanted to drop you a line as I think your models are amazing. You should have a look at Putty & Paint You're a shoe-in I reckon.

I've been making sci-fi/wargaming models for the past year or so and I'm aspiring to a higher standard so many thanks for sharing your work.



<a href=">theunrealisticartist</a>

Philip Goodier said...

Thanks for the link and the kind remarks Paul. I'll take a look. Is any of your work featured there?

the unrealistic artist said...

I don't have anything on there, not yet anyway. I feel like I'm skirting round the edges of achieving that level, so not too long hopefully...

If you like you can check out my work on my blog at