Monday, 16 July 2012


Just walking past the sci-fi section in my favourite model shop last week - yes, there is still the odd one! - I noticed this.

I was instantly struck by the unusual design.  Not your predictable over-exposed Star Wars  or tired Star Trek movie-related kit, but a strange looking ship I had never seen the likes of before. A quick rifle through the box revealed large, well-detailed parts, four paint schemes, a very nice sheet of decals and a big big engine!

There was also a dvd, which promised a virtual tour and a bit more info.  From what I can gather (I do not speak Japanese too often) it seems to belong to the anime genre, and is an anti-gravity raider in 1/20 scale.

The big attraction for me is that you can interpret it any way you want.  No-one can criticise the RLM shade you have used, or correct your allocation of rivets.   I can please myself!  It's a genuinely exhilarating thought.

If you have built this model, or know more about its origins, do comment here, I'd like to know more.

Coming back down to earth, here is Italeri's new tool Wessex UH-5 in 1/48 scale.  It's a nice kit, four colour schemes to choose from and not a bad price.  No anti-grav capabilities but it looks good.  So many kits, so little time.


Anonymous said...

Heya, the Falke is from a line of kits in a line called "Maschinen Krieger" or "Ma.K". It used to be called SF-3D but due to a copyright dispute (IIRC) was changed.

I wouldn't call it anime though, since it was created as a line of scratchbuilt/kitbashed models by Kow Yokoyama. Basically making futuristic One of the most iconic was an armoured fighting suit - the SAFS - which was made from a AH-6 Little Bird model kit. Here and there, you'll find details of the kits behind the lineage of the models.

Over the last 20 years or so, Ma.K has gained a huge following worldwide and the kits are now made by Wave and Hasegawa, mostly in 1/20 or 1/35 scales, with some in 1/76.

Philip Goodier said...

Hi Grndl,

Thanks for taking the time to comment. That's a very interesting bit of background info. I haven't Googled around too much, but what LIttle I did wasn't too informative. I'm really looking forward to working on it, and I like the look of the new Hummel/Hornisse. Are you a sci fi builder?


Anonymous said...

That's a tough question. In short, I suppose so. I dabble, but I'm all over the place. Primarily I'm a tabletop gamer - small miniature and terrain building, but I went to larger kits for many of the reasons you are excited by the Ma.K Falke.

That being said, I've always had an interest in aviation, which I got from my dad, who was an avid aviation enthusiast and aerospace engineer. And that's why I lurk on your blog. :)

Here's some Ma.K sites that you might find informative:

Philip Goodier said...


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I've looked at the links, and found them really interesting. The quality of the models is superb. The gaming looks good, but I always enjoy scenes that resemble 'Attack of the Clones'. The figures look good, but for me it's the machines.

Like you, I'm an aviation fan. I've been building planes since I was a lad, and I really love Russian aircraft in particular. Glad to have you looking at the blog, and contributing. I try and update it as often as possible, but I'd rather be building, of course...

Best regards,
