Thursday, 1 December 2011

Up next.

Earlier I was going on about what you might wish for. Well, look what arrived in the morning post. When everyone else was building the A-10A I wanted to build the two-seat version - there was always something a bit menacing about it.

On opening the box, I noticed that I was not the first to have a dip. Both cockpits - and they are quite lovely - had already been assembled. Everything else was present and correct and looking really good. Surface detail is superb, but the real bonus is a complete set of ordnance. There will certainly be more on this build later.

Coming along rather well is the Yak 38. As you can see, the nose section is almost complete. The only addition needed was a pair of lap straps to the ejector seat. Nice, isn't it?

Did I mention that both these kits are by Hobby Boss? Well, they are, and if you check the December issue of the SAMI mag, you'll see a more than two pages of previews. Hobby Boss seem to be using the economic downturn to release a big influx of top quality kits at very reasonable prices - this at a time when Hasegawa are pricing similar kits for £60 and upwards. It's good for Hobby Boss and it's very definitely good for the likes of me.

So I'm off to the model shop.

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