He was a big brown dog. No particular breed, just a big brindle boisterous dog. Back in 1995, some friends were moving away and couldn't take him. They offered him to us, and we couldn't say no to him. At eighteen months old he became an instant part of the family, and our three children spoiled him rotten. Whatever happened at home, Max was in the middle of it, with his lop-sided ears and always a big smile. He would do anything for you, especially if you had food. He thought teeth were purely for eating carrots and smiling with, and he was an object lesson for people - he never showed us a bad mood, just trust and a huge sense of fun.
It was hard the last couple of years to see him slow down and get grey around the chops. The children are in their twenties and have left home, but the first thing they did when they came back for a visit was lie on the floor and snoodle with Max. He became blind and deaf, but he still knew who was tickling his ears.
Yesterday, at the age of seventeen, he died. Anyone with a dog will tell you that he was much more than just an animal. He was a member of our family, and it was a privilege to have enjoyed his company for so long.

Phil, I stumbled onto your site a couple of weeks ago while googling for some model related info. First, let me give you condolences over a lost friend. We lost our girl, Laurel, last year and we still miss her. She was the world's friendliest Golden Retriever. Second, I want to say how much I admire your work. I'm recently retired so I now have some time to pick up where I left off many, many years ago. I will enjoy returning to your site for inspiration.
Hi George, that's very kind of you, thank you. It's a very different house without him. You never forget them, hope the pain of your loss is easing.
I'm glad you are able to get back to the hobby, and hope you get plenty of satisfaction from it. I'm happy to hear that my work has given you encouragement, and thanks for the kind compliment. Let me know how you get on.
I too give my condolences and I know what you are going through. My Misty (a Shih Tzu) after eleven years passed away in April. Even as I'm writing this I'm getting all choked up. She used to sit at my feet as I worked on my models.
I really admire your talent, it's a level that I want to strive for.
Hi Bill, thanks, I appreciate that. There's nothing like a bit of company when you're at your bench, you must miss her a lot. Time helps but you never forget them.
Thanks also for the kind compliments. I'm very flattered - maybe i haven't been wasting the last fifty years after all!
Best to you,
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