One of the things I enjoy about working in this scale is its relaxed nature. With so many parts and options, the builder can slow down and gradually build the model up.
I still have the copy of SAMI magazine (Vol 12 Issue 7) in which builder David Francis illustrates a bang up job of the kit. He added resin parts but I don't think it's necessary. This build is straight out of the box - always a good test of the build when you don't feel you need after- market parts to make a lovely job. These days especially, new toolings are so well-detailed, it seems a shame to discard them.
All went smoothly. The only real difficulty I had was jockeying the fuselage halves together around the cockpit and the intake trunking. You have to get all the little tabs in all the right slots for a good line up.

The trunking has a large tab that slots into the nose cone. I did this last and used a little cyano.
Getting it all together was tricky, needing at least three hands. Once in position the fuselage fitted together very well, needing only a little filler. I added weight to the fuselage to ensure a three point sit. The wing section fits 'saddle' fashion and wanted a bit of maneuvering to achieve a flush fit. With that section fitted that was the main assembly sorted. Apart from some odds and ends, the build is now ready for undercoat.
The kit is no Tamiya, but it's by no means a poor relative. There are no real hitches, just challenges - the heart of the hobby. To paraphrase Bones McCoy, I'm a modeller not a kit assembler!

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