The result of all that jockeying and cross-eyed concentration? Well, I was very satisfied. High points? Certainly the front cockpit (there is also one in the back) and the gear bay, for their quality of detail and fit inside the model. Also the little wing-mounted rocket motors, which only needed some Eduard parachute straps, so good was their detail. I did have a set of Airwave gear legs and wheels, but for once the kit parts were superior and I didn't use them.
The final build looks very impressive from a few feet away, but get up close and it's really rewarding. It's a combination of excellent detail, and hard work getting the best out of the component parts. Am I blowing my own trumpet? Maybe, but maybe it's more a case of enjoying the fruits of more than forty years experience. I hope you think it looks good too.

1 comment:
stunning work indeed!
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