A busy day flies by, and before I know it the day is done. What have I achieved lately to show for all this time spent at the bench? Here's a few photos....
This Do 217K is of course the Revell tooling. The parts fit is very good and it has some lovely detail. The cockpit especially is worth spending your valuable time on - and I did.

This FW 190A-4 is reasonably well known. Can you name its pilot? He was a famous commander. I was a little disappointed with this Hasegawa kit - they are keen to get as many variants as possible out of the mould, with the result that fit is poor for the nose, and wing roots. Nothing that can't be overcome though. The Eduard cockpit made quite a difference to the overall finish.

Finally, who would have thought it - a 1/48 Super Mystere. A big model, very like an F-100, and for me, my first Fonderie kit. Not a bad kit, though not without problems, as mentioned on here before. But it has some very nice features too, and the completed model is a real eye-ful!

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