As you can see, the lion's share of the painting is now complete. Several afternoons were spent getting the model to this stage. Each section of the deck, superstructure and hull have been carefully and minutely weathered to achieve an in-scale well-used appearance. This is very important as it will affect the overall appearance of the boat as well as being able to stand close inspection. This will become apparent later when the weapons and deck fittings are added.

Hello Phil, I'm working on this kit right now,and found your blog through search of Italeri pt boat.
Your boat looks real, which is what I am after. Did you pre-shade before airbrushing? Did you brush paint the camo? You have achieved a camo effect that is not too contrasty (the black for instance) Any chance you could share your techniques? Is there a wash or overspray to tone down contrast to look like reality?
Great work. Thanks for any tips. I'm from Boston MA.
Hi Wilbur, thanks for your comment, good to hear from you. Rather than reply here, I've added a new blog entry to try and cover your questions. Hope it's of use,
Thanks Phil, Thanks for the tips. I always tone down the black, and have got to become more adept at airbrushing camo. I have a Badger 200, however I usually hand paint hard line camo, using the airbrush only for the base color. I will experiment on a box before painting using your tips. Your build looks great/real. The figures should be fun as well. Tedious, but worth it for this kit. Isn't it a fantastic kit, I couldn't pass it up. Luckily I bought it about a year ago, delivered for $103. I just finished the Revell Herman Marwede which is quite a ship model as well. Its large, and a good bargain as well
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