Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Well, they're not Tamiya....

One thing about this job is the wildly varying subject matter. I can't keep doing 1/48 scale wartime aircraft or I'll get jaded, so here are a few subjects in 1/72 scale. There's an He 100 from RS models, a Polikarpov I-180 from A-Model and a Polikarpov I-185 from Eastern Express.

Other than the scale, why do they appeal? They are all prototypes for later fighter planes. The quality of the kits was not great - the parts were crude, panel lines were raised, giving their age away. But I rise to a challenge and can feel proud on completion of a job well done. Always good to stretch your abilities. If I can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, I'm doing my job.

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