If you were contemplating the Fonderie Miniatures Mystere IV for a forthcoming build, you might find the following of interest.
The kit features a number of photo-etched and resin parts. They are not all overflowing with detail, but what detail is present is quite sharp, and fits in place very well. The ejector seat is excellent. Getting the fuselage and wings together must be done with great care and you need a lot of patience. Check out my earlier blog on this regarding the Super Mystere.
With the main assembly complete, this is what the builder is faced with. Most joints are ragged, some have heavy flash. The jet intake and exhaust have big steps in them due to the mismatch of the fuselage halves. Nothing that can't be overcome though.

Although the kit features engraved panel lines, the fuselage is quite pitted and needs rubbing down - yes, the lot!

I've completed the rubbing down and replaced the panel lines lost in the process. It is now starting to resemble a Mystere IV. It still remains for me to thin out the thick plastic sited at the exhaust and intake areas.

I think it's great that an early Mystere is now available in 1/48 scale, but to build it successfully you must have plenty of modelling experience, and really want one!
Painting comes next - a natural metal finish will transform this model.