I have always had an interest in Russian post-war jets - unlike their wartime designs, which always looked as though they made them up as they went along.
Early MiGs from the Korean War usually pressed the 'aesthetically pleasing' button. I couldn't resist Hobby Boss's new MiG 17F. Areas of detail include the cockpit of course, radio equipment in the nose, landing gear and compartment, and a full engine. There are the inevitable fuselage fit problems with displaying the engine, so I made the most of everything else instead. I built their Fury Fighter, and can see that this one is much improved - sharper surface detail, better fit of the parts and better interior detail. Underwing pylons are included to accommodate either a pair of rocket pods or the fragmentation bombs included with the kit. When building, you have to look out for the location holes which are obviously intended for the later PFM version. And yes. I'll be having one of those, too.
It's not quite up to Tamiya standard of course, but then it's not Tamiya prices. It is the best '17 currently available, however.