Post war jets are the real interest for me. I recently spotted an old Monogram kit of the McDonnell F-101B. On inspecting the contents of the box, I was astonished by the amount of superb detail on it. What year did it say? 1985? To get this level of detail in a modern kit you would need a pallet load of resin parts. I had seen enough. A few minutes later it was mine, and my trip to the dark side of century fighters was complete. So, here is a picture of said fighter approaching completion. What do you think? Was it worth the fuss? I'll do an appreciation of this model a little later. It was a hell of a build!

Coming up, hard on the heels of the F-101 is the Hasegawa 'Tony'. This will be a very colourful model. Does this mean I am returning to normal? What's normal in this hobby?