Again, there's a choice here. A resin panel is offered as well as an etched one. While the resin one has all the switches moulded on, the brass one is superbly engraved.

Having chosen the brass panel, I begin preparation of this and the associated parts. The centre console is well-moulded, and the apertures for the throttle and pitch control levers is very good. Also, the bomb selector box and upper fuel console are crisply moulded. The instruments themselves, although made of paper, are very clear and match up well with the instrument panel.
After careful painting, all of these parts were assembled using cyano.

I drilled out the attachment points for the control levers and fitted them, and went on to make the pitch control lever from some brass wire, since it's not provided in the kit. A little fine painting and some gloss varnish really brings the instruments to life.